One man's trash
Is another man's treasure!
My Item is too obscure, think again!
Did you know that the first item that sold on ebay was a broken laser pointer? There is a buyer for everything! people buy and restore damaged electronics, others tear apart broken appliances for "donor parts". Whatever your item is, there is a good chance with the right photos and description, It will sell. Don't believe us, check out some of our previous sales.

pre-Established Audience.
Give your items the spotlight they deserve.
On a large marketplace such as ebay, having a reputation is important to make sales. Each sale you make adds more and more credibility to yourself as a seller. Kyles360tech has over 100 satisfied listings and that number is growing! Having your item on a already established ebay seller page not only drastically increase your chance of selling, but it also protects you from buyers attempting to scam you out of your item.
Peace of Mind
Dont ship your items off to a stranger!
Some selling services require you to ship the items to them in order to sell them. This presents the problem of not knowing how your items are being handled or if you will ever get them back if they are not sold. Kyles360tech solves that by coming to you. you keep the items until they are sold, and once they are, you either drop them off or we pick them up, and you receive your cut. If its not sold, nothing happens. Your item dosn't move, and you aren't charged.

Know how your items are doing.
You deserve to have a rough idea how long it will take for your items to sell. Thats why we call you at least once a month to keep you informed. We also let you know when your item sells and when offers arise.
Our sales charges
*fees negotiable depending on job.
Don't believe we can sell your items?
Check out our customer reviews!

25% commission fees will occur if the total sales of your items are less than or equal to $100.00

15% commission fees will occour if the total sales of your items are between $101 and $999.

5% commission fees will occur if the total sales of your items are greater than $1000.

Craig G.
"Excellent Service and kyle is a great guy to work with. I would highly recommend his company!"

Pending Reveiw
Review Will be added once more customers experience the power of selling with Kyles360tech!

Pending Reveiw
Review Will be added once more customers experience the power of selling with Kyles360tech!